2014年5月15日 星期四

Just wanna talk some shit :P

So. It has been a while. My last entry was a few months back and it was, well, filled with utter rage. I am happy to report that this "associate" of mine have broken all and complete contact with me and we are now officially past tense. Last words: Thanks, bitch. For making me not ever wanting to trust a person completely again.

I mean, it hurts and all, but what can you do? Such is life. C'est la vie and whatnot. If life hands you lemons, suck it up and try to kick it in the balls. Discretely.

But alas, today's entry will not be about the emotional betrayal of a girl (though I could go on and on about it for hours..) Today I just wanna talk about the really basic mundane stuff. I mean, it is the kinda shit people put in their diaries right? Here goes! Today I woke up (too) late, had some breakfast (brunch), watched some (too many) episodes of Castle, ate some (too much) lunch, watched some more (too much more..) GoT, skipped supper and found myself, at 2 in the fucking morning, writing a blog entry about.. senseless shit, really. So I might as well jump ship and get some shut-eye cos, what do you know? I'm working tomorrow! Fan-fucking-tastic! Eight hours staring at a monitor and making sure little shits don't steal themselves some useless loom bands. Like seriously, what the hell is up with kids these days? Making necklaces and bracelets outta little coloured rubber bands? Well, better than porn I guess :P

So. Until next time I found myself bored outta my mind cos I used up all my internet data, farewell and take care. And don't forget to murder those lying disloyal goddamn cunts around you. 

P.S. Isn't Michael Fassbender absolutely dashing? Just look at him! 

Been on a MFass movie spree this past coupla weeks and I strongly suggest all you thirsty girls out there to watch Shame. Don't ask, just watch ;)

Love and Kisses.

2013年12月28日 星期六

Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo Dat??? Well fuck you too.

Sub yo, it's been a while.

I think a lot of people who are or were in this situation try to get out of it:

Well, this is what I have to say to y'all:

So I have this friend, let's just call her S. I consider her one of my closest friends and I try to hang out with her at least once every week. She talked me into getting a Viber, a Snapchat and a LINE, so it'll be easier to keep in touch with each other. Now, if you know me, you would know that I despise any kind of social networking BS other than Facebook, so all my other friends are literally astounded when I got an account for each of the sites mentioned above. First it was all good and well. We Snapchatted and Vibered and texted each other like any normal friends would. She told me secrets and I confided my emotional turmoils with her. And when I went through a really difficult time she was there for me and she promised me she will always be.

Now, you should know that the thing that tied us together so fast was that we both agreed hanging out with guys are easier than hanging with girls because there are less drama involved. We both have this understanding that we are not girls who enjoy dramatic friendships. If we don't like something, we say it. We don't hide shit from each other. The mutual undrstanding is that this friendship is built on honesty and nothing else. 

Right. So after a bit, she decided she was gonna move closer to a bunch of guy mutual friends we have due to her work, and that was all good. But gradually, we started seeing less of each other, and the Snapchatting, Vibering and texting soon followed suit and it wasn't long before the communication between us stopped entirely. Normally I wouldn't give a fuck, but what pissed me off so much was the lack of effort she put into saving this friendship. I understood the need she must have to have some space, but TELL ME THE FUCK ABOUT IT. Every message was seen but not replied and every call was ignored. BITCH IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE FRIENDS THEN COME CLEAN ABOUT IT. Now, it's not like I'm this overly attached friend or some shit..

I gave you space, AND LOTS OF IT, TOO. I just cannot stand people who say one thing but turn around and does another. You want less drama? Then goddamn work for it. Don't say you care and then stab me in the back. Don't call me your best friend and not answer my call. Don't bullshit me about how you don't have time to hang when you manage to spend weekends passed out drunk at some random guy's party. Don't tell me you can't be bothered texting me back when I saw you spending every waking hour texting a guy you've known for all of three days. Don't fucking lie to me and expect me to believe your crap. And last of all, stop trying to hide your skank self behind that I don't want drama bullshit. Wanna fuck me over? 

This friendship's over, bitch!

2013年11月8日 星期五

Hello? Maybe..

I guess I should start by saying hello..

I'm JJ, short for Joyce. I'm a Taiwanese living in New Zealand. I have minor depression, and I am a Christian who is looking for her faith. And i like to swear, as you can probably tell by my Blog title.

My sister keeps a blog and so do my friends. They said keeping a blog is refreshing, cleanses their minds. Gives them strength to face each day's challenges. I call BS on that. Mainly I think they just wanna dump their shit on someone they don't know. I mean, what's the fun of backstabbing people when they obviously know you're talking about them? Nope. Better do it discretely. Or maybe they just want somewhere they can ramble and ramble and ramble on about the petty little things that life send their way. I'm leaning towards the later theory since that's what I'm doing right now. But maybe more of that later, this is an introduction afterall. So. Here, is me:
The very uninteresting me. I enjoy selfies, though i only manage to take one good one every thousand bad ones. Tom Hiddleston is my LIFE. I'm a KPOP goupie and I love racist jokes. Seriously, I've been called a traitor by my Asian friends because I absolutely adore the stereotypical Asian jokes. 

I have horrible eyesight, but I hate contacts. Why? "Cos contacts can't fit in their small Asian eyes." LOL.

That's it for today, TTFN :)) xo