2013年11月8日 星期五

Hello? Maybe..

I guess I should start by saying hello..

I'm JJ, short for Joyce. I'm a Taiwanese living in New Zealand. I have minor depression, and I am a Christian who is looking for her faith. And i like to swear, as you can probably tell by my Blog title.

My sister keeps a blog and so do my friends. They said keeping a blog is refreshing, cleanses their minds. Gives them strength to face each day's challenges. I call BS on that. Mainly I think they just wanna dump their shit on someone they don't know. I mean, what's the fun of backstabbing people when they obviously know you're talking about them? Nope. Better do it discretely. Or maybe they just want somewhere they can ramble and ramble and ramble on about the petty little things that life send their way. I'm leaning towards the later theory since that's what I'm doing right now. But maybe more of that later, this is an introduction afterall. So. Here, is me:
The very uninteresting me. I enjoy selfies, though i only manage to take one good one every thousand bad ones. Tom Hiddleston is my LIFE. I'm a KPOP goupie and I love racist jokes. Seriously, I've been called a traitor by my Asian friends because I absolutely adore the stereotypical Asian jokes. 

I have horrible eyesight, but I hate contacts. Why? "Cos contacts can't fit in their small Asian eyes." LOL.

That's it for today, TTFN :)) xo

